P-05-974 Ensure the technology of prosthetic limbs provided within the Welsh NHS is equal to the rest of the UK, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 14.02.21

Petition - Ensure the technology of prosthetic limbs provided within the Welsh NHS is equal to the rest of the UK.

Response following reply from Welsh Minister dated 12 January – ref VG/09641/20 and from Kate Eden – WHSSC Chair - 17 December 2020

What are your thoughts on the attached document?

Does it adequately address the issues that you raised?

What is the evidenced based prioritisation process?  As I have highlighted previously the other three Nations of the UK all provide MPK prosthetics, Scotland for nearly a decade.  They have identified the benefits to individuals, the priority importance, and the potential to save costs.  All we are asking for is a similar provision within Wales, a provision that has the potential to save the Welsh NHS money in the medium term.

It appears in the response from Kate Eden that the WHSSC has limited scope with complex finance allocation, therefore, using this as an excuse by the Minister for the lack of provision or action seems to be a political ‘smoke screen’.  He should, as requested by the petition, provide policy direction.

The Minister states that he has requested his officials for a review. This is positive and I can only presume that they will review the policy ‘Specialised Services Service Specification: CP89 Prosthetic and Amputee Rehabilitation Services’ – review outstanding since 1 December 2017.

I like the committee look forward to the update shortly.

Do you have further questions in response?

Currently until the outcome is known there are no further questions.

Additional comment

Again, thank you to the committee on behalf of all the supporters of the petition for the actions to date.  I am confident that with persistence we can achieve overdue equality on behalf of the disabled residents of Wales.

David Bradley